In November 1876 I made acquaintance with one of the few Germans on the Island Mr. J. Warkus
an owner of a cinnamon and coconut plantation 18 miles to the north east of the city of Galle.
Mr. Warkus was an old man of 75 years of age. He was tall and had a stately stature with his long white beard.
He had been resident on the Island for some 32 years.
He told me that he was a native of Silesia, born in Breslau.
His plantation consisted of approximately 3000 acres and was in the jungle, so to speak, but on hilly terrain, on the right bank of the Ganga.
The "Bungalow" was located on a hill with lovely views of the river and with its countless islands afforded a most picturesque sight.
This site hopes to document as much information about the family history of John Godfried WARKUS and his descendants on the beautiful island of Sri Lanka. Information found here will as far as possible be backed by historically documented references though in most cases will be "stories" passed on within the family and others.
This site will also promote the beauty of the beautiful island of
Sri Lanka that John Godfried Warkus chose as his new home.
Descendants of John Godfried Warkus are encouraged to send family history, stories, anecdotes, photos or any other information that they wish to share on this site through the contact page.
Research on the heritage of John Godfried WARKUS has shown that there exists many spelling variations both of his personal name and that of the family surname. This is not uncommon and in fact quite usual during the 1800´s and early part of the 1900´s.
Godfried has been spelt Gottfried
Warkus has been spelt Warkuss (most common and probably the original spelling) and Workus.
Descendants of John Godfried are found to be using all three variations of the name. All are correct.
My name is Alvin Wick and I am the great, great-grandson of John Godfried Warkus.
Feel free to contact me if you are interested in finding your link in our family tree.
At FTDNA I have traced my Warkus line via DNA. My confirmed Haplogroup is
R-L260 (YP254+).
Administrated by Alvin Wick
© 2014. Images used are copyright their original authors. All rights reserved.